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A list has formed itself, so I guess I should start with the posting of it, even though I probably will not finish it today.

Metal bands or songs that have had an impact on me 2022. In no particular order (and thus not a ranking).

Enterprise Earth (US) - Where Dreams Are Broken

#EnterpriseEarth #Metal

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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in reply to Mathias Hellquist 🤘

I’m bookmarking the start of this list. Expect to see some good stuff to add to my listening rotation. 👍
in reply to Erik

@Calaveth hehe, some of them were actually a little surprising even to me when I dug through what I thought of this year. Then again, there are also a bunch of quite predictable suspects from me. :)
in reply to Mathias Hellquist 🤘

Metal bands or songs that have had an impact on me 2022. In no particular order (and thus not a ranking).

Orbit Culture (SWE) - Vultures of North

#OrbitCulture #Metal


Ercanbrack reshared this.

in reply to Mathias Hellquist 🤘

Metal bands or songs that have had an impact on me 2022. In no particular order (and thus not a ranking).

Vildhjärta (SWE) - Den Helige Anden

#Vildhjärta #Metal


Ercanbrack reshared this.

in reply to Mathias Hellquist 🤘

Metal bands or songs that have had an impact on me 2022. In no particular order (and thus not a ranking).

Malevolence (UK) - On Broken Glass

#Malevolence #Metal


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in reply to Mathias Hellquist 🤘

Metal bands or songs that have had an impact on me 2022. In no particular order (and thus not a ranking).

Allt (SWE) - Paralyzed

#Allt #AlltBand #Metal


Ercanbrack reshared this.

in reply to Mathias Hellquist 🤘

Metal bands or songs that have had an impact on me 2022. In no particular order (and thus not a ranking).

Aviana (SWE) - Obsession

#Aviana #Metal


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in reply to Mathias Hellquist 🤘

Metal bands or songs that have had an impact on me 2022. In no particular order (and thus not a ranking).

Kardashev (US) - Glass Phantoms

#Kardashev #Metal


Ercanbrack reshared this.

in reply to Mathias Hellquist 🤘

Metal bands or songs that have had an impact on me 2022. In no particular order (and thus not a ranking).

Humanity’s Last Breath (SWE) - TIDE

#HumanitysLastBreath #Metal


Ercanbrack reshared this.

in reply to Mathias Hellquist 🤘

Metal bands or songs that have had an impact on me 2022. In no particular order (and thus not a ranking).

Meshuggah (SWE) - The Faultless

#Meshuggah #Metal


Ercanbrack reshared this.

in reply to Mathias Hellquist 🤘

Metal bands or songs that have had an impact on me 2022. In no particular order (and thus not a ranking).

Conjurer (UK) - It Dwells

#Conjurer #Metal


Ercanbrack reshared this.

in reply to Mathias Hellquist 🤘

Metal bands or songs that have had an impact on me 2022. In no particular order (and thus not a ranking).

Soreption (SWE) - The Artificial North

#Soreption #Metal


Ercanbrack reshared this.

in reply to Mathias Hellquist 🤘

Metal bands or songs that have had an impact on me 2022. In no particular order (and thus not a ranking).

Thrown (SWE) - Grayout

#Thrown #Metal


Ercanbrack reshared this.

in reply to Mathias Hellquist 🤘

Ercanbrack reshared this.

in reply to Mathias Hellquist 🤘

Lots here to check out as I expected, only a few I had even heard about. It's inspired me to make my own, but it will be 2023 before that list is done...