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Dear fellow Europeans, I am respectfully asking you to consider signing this European Citizen Initiative to institute a billionaire tax. It was invented by leading French economist Thomas Piketty; I read the whole thing, and it is technically excellent. Hit me if you have questions, but please sign it, it is important.

It needs 1 million signatures (currently 300K) and seven countries over their threshold (currently three: Denmark, France, Germany).

#economics #tax

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in reply to Alberto Cottica

Important info missing: "if it reaches the threshold, IT WILL ACTUALLY NEED TO BE PROPOSED IN THE EU PARLIAMENT".
This is not a toothless petition like most.
in reply to Alberto Cottica

@aral Do you happen to know ”influencers“ or people with a huge reach to spread the idea of #TaxTheRich #EatTheRich?

I’m thinking hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of followers.

Who could have a bigger impact than us mere mortals?

in reply to Aral Balkan

@aral That’s the problem. 😒 All people I contacted didn’t bother to answer.

But there’s a huge difference between some YouTuber ”worth“ 6 Million dollar and someone with 150 Billion dollar.

The influencers might not even be affected, depending on where you draw the line to ”huge wealth“.

Most still oppose the idea of taxes that don’t affect them and likely never will because of their (perhaps not so secret) hopes to one day cross that threshold, even though they’re already multi-millionaires.