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We’ve made the hard decision to end our experiment with and will shut down the Mastodon instance on December 17, 2024. Thank you for being part of the community and providing feedback during our closed beta. You can continue to use until December 17. Before that date, you can download your data here (, and migrate your account to another instance following these instructions (
in reply to Mozilla

You guys are doing a great job of limiting your market share! 👍
in reply to Mozilla

why,i am tired of mozilla shutting everything down without properly developing and marketing products, had potential and is going to Mozilla Graveyard to join many products with potential not unlike,i give up on mozilla
in reply to Mozilla

"Ever since we shutdown and disengaged from Mastodon, the sentiment analysis on our social media posts regarding our AI initiatives shows positive reactions went up a staggering 857%! I guess everyone on X seems to like them! A great win for our sharehol—I mean, our sponsors!"
in reply to Mozilla

with this being an experiment and all, will you write sort of what you learned? What questions you wanted to answer with the experiment and what those answers were?
in reply to tante

@tante +1 to this also - I'm particularly interested in what would have made the experiment a success / something worth pursuing?
in reply to Mozilla

very sorry to hear this. Anyone from there that is looking for a server is welcome at
in reply to Mozilla

another poor manangement decision. Track record has not been great lately.
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Mozilla

that’s unfortunate to hear. Where will the Mozilla account’s handle be moved to?
in reply to Nathaniel Knudsen i guess /s
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to marcin mikołajczak

So basically they'll have little to no fediverse presence now? Because threads is very thoroughly blocked by servers and users alike.

Fitting for them, considering they seem to really admire what Zuck and the other bros at big Tech are doing.

@stoicswe @mozilla

in reply to Draconic NEO

@Draconic_NEO @mkljczk Please excuse my ignorance, I just don’t know the general feeling that Mastodon community members has, but what is the general feel that Mastodon has had towards Threads? From what little I know it’s been a pretty negative sentiment.
in reply to Nathaniel Knudsen

What is the general feel that you as a Mastodon community member have towards Threads?

#Mozilla #Mastodon #Threads #poll

  • good (21%, 5 votes)
  • bad (78%, 18 votes)
23 voters. Poll end: 5 days ago

This entry was edited (1 week ago)