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My prickly pear is very happy with it's current position. It's grown exceptionally large since it was planted. I'm tempted to try and cook one of the pads. Anyone keen to see the result of such a culinary adventure? #BloomScrolling
in reply to Joseph

The fruit itself is just marvelous..! and the flesh with tomatoes and eggs is phenomenal.
in reply to oscarfalcon

@oscarfalcon Good to know! I've tasted the fruit before but I wasn't sure what to do with it (other than just eat it!)
in reply to Joseph

Oh there is so much you can do with the prickly pears: marmalade, dried snacks, even a thing called "Queso de Tuna" which is a sort of sticky confection made from boiling the pulp to a molasses like consistency and letting it dry a bit. It's delicious.

Also, the flesh is great in smoothies.

in reply to oscarfalcon

@oscarfalcon I'm down for a marmalade and any confection! It's a bit wild to me that we have such a bounty of prickly pears in Australia and they are totally unappreciated.