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I will say that I am not stoked about how every #11ty thing that says it is RSS is actually Atom. They seem to think it doesn't matter but it does if you are using this for a podcast feed. Literally every example I have found for RSS templates are Atom so I guess I have to build this up field by field. Joy.

I can even understand choosing only to implement Atom but why then say it is RSS? If these distinctions don't matter to this crowd, maybe I am putting my eggs in the wrong basket.

in reply to Dave Slusher - Hacker/Maker

that small quip is outdated. We provide code samples for RSS, Atom, and JSON Feed:

I’m pushing a copy fix to the web site now, thanks!

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Eleventy 🎈 v3.0.0-alpha.10

@eleventy Thanks for that. I guess the RSS example was up there the whole time but the sub-tabs were too subtle for me. I have an RSS with all of the dumb cruft that podcast stuff expects like the silly itunes tags and such. If I clean it up and take out hardcoded values, is there a reasonable place to put it for reuse for those who specifically want #11ty to build a podcast feed?
in reply to Dave Slusher - Hacker/Maker

yeah! We are kinda working on a feature for this use case, called Virtual Templates. Will work great to create content via a plugin: