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Via Angry Staffer:

This is happening again and a lot of you are falling for it again.

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in reply to Laffy

What's key to remember (IMO) is that changing horses at this point pretty much GUARANTEES #Democrats lose the election
(check historical precedents)

So #CorporateMedia helping the #GQP bully the only non- #Fascist out of the race is a blatant tactic that #DNC needs to be calling out 24/7

[edit bc @dnc clicks like a real account but doesn't show as an account 🤨😒]

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Laffy

I'm all for boycotting and putting them all out of business. Who needs them? Worthless garbage. I saw the NYTs lost 2 million subscribers recently. That's a start. They are working for the billionaire masters pulling the strings for #DonTheCon. It's so obvious it smacks you in the face. 😬
in reply to Laffy

Hillary didn't become president, as anyone with a sliver of sense could see would be the case as early in that race. So tired of Democrats lovjng to lose and we pay the price.
in reply to Laffy

@happystardiaz I was in the belly of the local democrat beast for 2 years. These boomers are SO out of touch. There's no way to assess the democratic party other than they love to lose.
in reply to macdude22

@macdude22 @happystardiaz Uh, I’m a boomer who’s well connected to a number of Dem operatives, consultants, etc. and no, they do not “love to lose.”

But hey, with messages like yours, they’ll continue to do just that.

in reply to Laffy

We're losing the propaganda game because we're basically refusing to play it.

The media and it's owners are all for fascism and they'll do whatever they can to divide and discourage us regardless of the branding up front.

MSNBC is just as happy to see the fascist oligarchy win as Fox News, they just have to keep their Left-leaning brand or their audience will stop listening.

in reply to Laffy

Repeatedly falling for stupid shit seems like a national pastime at this point

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in reply to Laffy

I am a fan of Joe Biden but this is very different, an 80+ presidential candidate at the start of his term is simply a bad idea, not a country in the world would think it's smart to make such an old person presidential candidate, even if he was the most fit 80+ year old ever.
in reply to Erik Jonker

Hi @ErikJonker. I posted a video of Lawrence O’Donnell explaining why dropping NOW (key word) will lead to big problems.

I will not debate you or anyone else anymore.

Your (and others’) compulsion to convince people he should drop falls on deaf ears bc the person making the ultimate decision is Biden, nobody else.

I’m so over people trying to convince me, others why he should drop. WE don’t decide, HE does.

If he drops, we vote for the Dem.

If he doesn’t, we vote for him.

End of story.

in reply to Laffy

"If he drops, we vote for the Dem.

If he doesn’t, we vote for him. "

I agree with this part.
However, even a president cannot withstand internal and external pressure indefinitely.

I am not an evangelist I don't preach, I do discuss and debate, though, because it furthers my own reflection...and might help others likewise.


in reply to HistoPol (#HP)

Well, we know the point of this, as Laffy said. We saw it in 2016. Remember those days? When the party was intentionally split by the establishment who just Could Not Stop Talking about Hillary's "E-mails", a nothingburger rapidly eclipsed in the first days of Trump's presidency by his family discussing official business in a half-dozen separate public-server e-mail accounts? All those people going "I'll never vote Hillary", so Mr. Bigly Mac got the big chair in the Oval Office?

If Biden becomes incapable of doing his job to the fullest extent that he was previously able, then I expect he'll still have the understanding and reason to delegate to his cabinet, because that's kinda what they're for. If Trump wins, even if he weren't a fascist dictator wannabe under Heritage's thumb, when his obvious mental degradation hits the tipping point, he'll still cling to every scrap of power like a tapeworm sufferer clinging to a McDonald's hamburger.

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

HistoPol (#HP) reshared this.

in reply to Laffy

Right there with you! The more I’m hearing this ridiculous nonsense, the more I believe that this is the propaganda angle Russian agents are exploiting.