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The main #problem in my eyes šŸ‘€ is that some people don't understand the difference between theory and fact or they know the difference but believe in alternative facts. You can't argument with someone who says, that he understands but don't feel the facts. For example climate crisis - "I don't feel the hottest year because it is cold at the moment." šŸ¤Ŗ

#meme #memes #conspiracy #theory #knowlege

in reply to anonymiss

Just as I suspected! The unicorns are behind it. Stands to reason. Satan has horns and hooves, so unicorns are Satan's horses. Just remember all the Bible passages that talk about Satan's horns and hooves.

It's shocking the number of conspiracy theories that claim Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine or that Trump used to be on reality TV and divorced his wife to marry a younger immigrant. Lies. All lies! Lies spread by unicorns in league with Satan.
