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My son and I kicked off the Christmas movie season with the Christmas action movie classic Violent Night. This was his first time watching this movie. We both laughed throughout this movie and had a great time watching it. He said he enjoyed it.

#movies #Christmas #holidays #SantaClaus #SantaClausIsReal

in reply to steve mookie kong

I adore this film. I could do a holiday double feature of this and die hard.
in reply to steve mookie kong

Have never seen this movie, as the movie poster made it look like a horror film. I don't even recall this movie being advertised. Recently I discovered it was an action comedy, so I decided to pick it up-- and well, it was selling for $4. Still need to watch it some day.
in reply to Starcade


The poster is the reason why I sadly skipped it in the theaters - I had the same reaction as you, it looked like a horror movie in the poster.