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Hey #neuroscience folks, for some reason my university thought it was a wise idea to be put me in charge as director of our neuroscience institute for a little while. Those of you working in the trenches at all levels (e.g. students, RAs, postdocs, faculty) I'd like to hear from you.

What are specific things that a department/institute can do to either inject more joy in the work or make the process of research easier?

#academicchatter #science

in reply to Tim Verstynen

in reply to El Duvelle


Thanks! These are all great ideas. The institute is already doing some of these (e.g., shared journal clubs, institute Slack). But others we could start doing.

Appreciate it!

in reply to Tim Verstynen

something I have seen working well in various groups:

- Establish a rule that the first few questions after a presentation have to be asked by young researchers before the PIs are allowed to speak. Works better than it should.

- Once someone comes back from a conference, give them space to present a couple highlights. We have a channel for this in Teams/Slack, and it's always heartwarming to see someone enthusiastically report their conference days. Presentations work well too.