Skip to main content Interesting battle in #uspolitics over whether #disaster prevention is acceptable as #climate dangers and the #housing #shortage worsen. Should we just wish it away and see what happens? #mapping #insurance #zoning #realestate
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Lyle Solla-Yates

It’s not an all or nothing question, though. It’s also about how much of society’s resources should be allocated in that direction given lower marginal benefits the farther you go.

So it’s not just whether disaster prevention is acceptable, but whether any particular program has benefits worth the costs.

in reply to volkris

@volkris agreed, we’ve been actively debating this in #cville . We’ve made some progress and are working on more, but many places are fighting any change hard. As the podcast notes it is harder because insurance companies are increasingly unwilling to insure something dangerous