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People have always been baffled as to why I refuse to get a Google account or a Discord account, or want programs I actually run locally, subscription-free. @pluralistic explains why:

And no, I don't buy into the "if you're innocent you have nothing to fear" attitude about things like this, or privacy, or the like. I have plenty of experience with authority figures or people in positions of even petty power being arbitrary and untrustworthy.

in reply to Pteryx the Puzzle Secretary

I have co-member on a committee I serve on who's trying to set up the org's digitized "bible" on Google docs—fine so far. Except what happens when Google randomly decides to shut down its "Folders" feature for some arbitrary reason?
in reply to Cavyherd

I'm really grateful to Cory for this article, because now I can just point Committee Member to it, instead of trying to blather out my inarticulate understanding of the concern.
in reply to Cavyherd

@cavyherd While I was never involved with Google+, as a TTRPG fan I am aware of how that community embraced that platform only to be screwed over and have years of its history disappear.

Though Google's general unreliability is a bit of a different issue than the one brought up in these articles.

in reply to Pteryx the Puzzle Secretary

Digital stability is a general problem. I am a daily user of the Mac graphics app Pixelmator, which can do damn near everything Photoshop can do, at an actual reasonal price (& it's a download & NOT a subscription). But I resisted moving from Classic to Pro (UI stability is Yet Another issue) until the upgrade to Sonoma spiked Classic. >
in reply to Cavyherd

But oh wait—there's something about the files I created in Classic before I bought my current Mac that makes Pro barf when I try to open them. So now recovering all that data has become a Project—that's not even guaranteed to be *possible.* And this wasn't even a case of some platform randomly deciding to slice off a userbase.

It's maddening.