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I've been extending some old images to make them into 16:9 Wallpapers... here's the first.
(A.I. generated)

#aiart #aiartwork #warhammer40k #midjourney

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to (Things & Stuff by) Charles 🧇

This is neat! However, depending on the size you're extending them to, they may not be available in their full resolution across Fedi as Mastodon compresses images to 1280 pixels.

If you have the ability, I suggest hosting them elsewhere and linking to them as well as uploading them here so others can see what the link is leading to. I use Ko-Fi for this because they allow you the option to let users download the images in full resolution as well as giving them the option to support you at the same time!👍

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

@BeAware Thanks for the info! I've updated with a reply to the post with its original link on my DeviantArt profile.

BeAware :veriweed: reshared this.