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in reply to Mark

jeez, these clickbait stories are spiraling out of control. No, that’s not how that works.

I was critical of a different News outlet that had its own clickbait headline, but I was assured that people are going to take it seriously and it would be okay. And then you see nonsense like this.

No, that’s not how the US government works. The daily beast is lying to you. It is not a reliable source, but it does promote certain interests, effectively spreading propaganda.

For goodness sake realize that you’re being lied to from this source, and stop going to it.

You’re being manipulated.

in reply to volkris

in reply to sj_zero

@sj_zero Yes, the point of consuming news should be to gain information that’s not partisan, but your comment here seems to lean into partisanship, basically keeping for her party.

Yeah I would say the point should be to keep abreast of what actually happens, but your description here is not really accurate, doesn’t accurately reflect the rulings that the court handed down.

The thing that you’re missing in your analysis is the actual logic of the rulings. You’re focusing on who you think different rulings might benefit and overlooking that there is actual objective reasoning behind them.

To put it a different way it sounds like you are saying the court is not partisan and then you go ahead and view the court through the partisan lens. Which is weird.
