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Violent riots by groups associated with far-right networks have erupted in the UK. Social media videos of groups setting fire to hotels, police vans and breaking into shops are everywhere. It’s important to archive this material so it doesn’t disappear. Here's how to do that… 🧵

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The Bellingcat Auto Archiver tool is free-to-access and automatically archives any link added to a spreadsheet. It will save the content for you in a repository and also extract vital details like the time it was posted and what platform it was posted on.
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We wrote a guide on how to set up and use the tool back in 2022. It's one of our most popular open source tools, used commonly by many different open source research organisations.
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Setting up the tool can look a little scary if you don’t have programming knowledge! But it is really simple.
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First you need to set up a Google Service Account, this is an account type used by a non-human entity. When setting up an Auto Archiver sheet you need to give the Google Service Account address editor permissions to the file. Find out how to get one here:
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You also need to install the latest version of Python on your computer if you don’t have the programming codebase already. You can find the download here:
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Then you can follow the visual steps shown within this helpful video:
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To start archiving, use the command line (on a Mac it's called “terminal” and in Windows, “Powershell”.) and type in the following command:
python --config your-config-file.yaml
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You can find a ready made template sheet here, available to the Public. Make sure you copy the template and save it to your own drive if you want to use it.
in reply to Bellingcat

Many of the rioters are live streaming their actions on TikTok or YouTube. To ensure livestreams are captured by the Auto Archiver you need to add "livestreams: true" in the youtubedl_archiver section of orchestration.yaml.
in reply to Bellingcat

To find livestreams online and for more tips on saving livestream content you can read this helpful guide by @shabanianaram
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If your sheet is archiving properly you will see the data appear in the other columns beside the link column and it will state that the archive has been a success. It’s important not to try to edit the names or order of the columns as this could disrupt the archival process.
in reply to Bellingcat

If you’re having trouble, join our Discord Community and ask for help in the ‘Cries For Help’ channel or the ’tool support’ channel
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Hopefully this thread is useful for researchers and journalists looking to quickly save the content being posted online from the UK Riots. Creating these tools is only possible with the kind support from our donors. You can donate to Bellingcat here:
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This Auto Archiver tool was created by Bellingcat's Investigative Tech Team but can be used by any researcher/journalist for any archival purposes. To be clear, the pages are archived to your own drives and cannot be seen or accessed by Bellingcat.
in reply to Bellingcat

Can we build something like that with @grist, omitting a Google dependency?
in reply to Bellingcat

- and Elon Musk is fanning the flames on twitter by invoking civil war.
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Bellingcat

If you take any footage of it happening send it to the police is a good start on that.
in reply to Bellingcat

it's also important, I feel, to show and archive the responses and actions of the good people who have suffered at the hands of these knuckle-draggers and those who incite them.

Here's a strong example. I stand with Tony Hill!

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They'll all be identified through their smartphones.
in reply to Bellingcat

I’d be more concise: far right violence has exploded across the UK as terrorist mobs sweep through communities destroying, vandalizing, looting property and attacking people.

The UK is under attack from violent rightwing extremism.

in reply to Bellingcat

There's plenty of unpatched cctv cameras accessible on Shodan for areas of UK riots. Suggestion: exploit this, record and save the live feed footage yourselves and then archive it as evidence. This ensures cctv evidence won't go "missing" later on.
in reply to Bellingcat

BSUIR university, former students. Belarus did it. They are crazy. Crazy Belorussians. They are lying about my startups. They are stealing my startups. They don't want anybody to know about it.
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Bellingcat

russia is succeeding at destroying the west without firing a shot, We are falling for it. We are losing a war that is destroying all of our democratic institutions and turning our people against each other.

If American & European leaders actually cared about us, they would null route all russian IP space physically cut network and telco connections to them, kick out all of diplomats, close all shared borders and implement travel bans.

putin is a cancer that is killing us.

in reply to Bellingcat

This is what fascists do when they lose.

The US needs to remember it.

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Useful, but not for the laymen among us.

Still I hope it gets used well.

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and they're same people "protests about racism or the environment are criminal acts"
in reply to Bellingcat

Puts me in mind of the U.S. civil rights riots of the 60s. It was a bad time. We got through it. Hopefully, we learned from it.

The UK will get through it too. They've also seen some tough times, tougher than this.