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We are "stuck in a digital monoculture, where decades of anti-competitive practices have created it so that just one system is responsible for so much of what we rely on from everything from airlines to hospitals to schools," EFF’s @falsemirror told Mashable.
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

i'm assuming it went something like this

IT guy 1: maybe we should do more testing

IT guy 2: nah it will be fine

IT guy 1: you're probably right

the single female IT employee: ummm, guys

all IT guys: chicks are such downers

in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

yup. Same story brewing with other security vendors. Tenable could soon take down the financial world with one similar bad update to their agent.
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

No one wants to take responsibility and the eventual blame for security, and the consensus settles on canned "solutions" like Crowdstrike. It's just like no one was ever fired for choosing Microsoft.
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

I think he is spot on, generally, with his comments on the lack of antitrust enforcement. But #crowdstrike has competitors, right?

I also couldn't help but think, again, of a similar problem hitting the monoculture of much of our food supply.

in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

the watchdogs have been asleep for so long it will be a challenge for them to ever wake up again.