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Some pics I took at Monday Night Raw. This is about the extent of them,as I preferred to just enjoy the show. It was fun as hell and the big thing that happened at the end of the show was literally right in front of me.

#WWE #WWERaw #ProWrestling #ProfessionalWrestling #fédicatch

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in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

Great seats. I used to watch wrestling in the 80’s/90’s. Rowdy Roddy Piper was my man. R.I.P.
Fun fact, he wasn’t even Scottish, he was Canadian. Hahaha
in reply to 💢Crash Override💢

@npub16xm39nak3pjtxjnyfqxjwz7jryrnqsayrfnr44nvfx2a3007vx6qjkvvws hell yeah. Roddy was SO good. Miss having him around.

It really feels like a bit more of a dramatic version of those older eras, right now. It's pretty great.

Having Triple H in charge feels like the best of the best of wrestling. The tickets definitely weren't cheap and I had to travel cross country, but it was TOTALLY worth it to me.

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

As long as you had a good time, that’s all that matters.
If I had to choose a wrestler to get behind, it would probably be Triple H. He seems to be the closest to what you would imagine he was like in real life. It’s not that I have anything against the others, but their personas are so over the top, you know it’s fake.
Maybe it’s because I was young or they just seemed more realistic, but I will always enjoy the older stuff more. It was difficult at time to distinguish between what was real and what was an act. Take the whole macho man, queen Elizabeth, Jake the snake trio for example. Even if I was older, I would be hard pressed to tell the difference between what was real and what wasn’t, and from what I understand, some of it was actually real.
Like him or hate him, you gotta give it to McMahon, that man built an empire.
in reply to 💢Crash Override💢

@npub16xm39nak3pjtxjnyfqxjwz7jryrnqsayrfnr44nvfx2a3007vx6qjkvvws for sure! There definitely is a "strong style" movement happening right now in which wrestlers are more "stiff" a lot of times. Specifically its usually between the wrestlers who aren't "Made by WWE" and got famous elsewhere using that hard hitting style which makes everything seem more real, because their slaps/chops/hits ARE real. It's mostly the "maneuvers" that are faked so much.

Things like punches are thrown with loosely open fists as to not hurt the other person, but it makes it look SO close to being real.

And to your "over the top" point, yeah...that's mostly the WWE bred wrestlers these days. Most of the ones that get famous outside of WWE, use their own personality to get popular.

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

Yeah, I know a lot of it is fake, but as you pointed out, there is only so much you can do take fake it. A body slam is still a body slam and landing on someone from the top rope would still do damages if you landed wrong. I live how they punch, that stomp on the floor to add that extra effect. It sort of reminds me of the old Batman “ka pow” and “blammo” effect. Sometimes it’s it always what you see but what you perceive.
BTW, you have two accounts? I thought I was following you but this one shows I’m not. I thought I was losing my mind for a second. 🤪
in reply to 💢Crash Override💢

@npub16xm39nak3pjtxjnyfqxjwz7jryrnqsayrfnr44nvfx2a3007vx6qjkvvws this is my Fedi account, which you previously followed from your Fedi account. Then we reconnected on Nostr with my Nostr account, but I boosted my Fedi post from there, so you saw it and replied to it so I am on Fedi replying.👍
in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

You give me more credit than I deserve, I didn’t even notice, lol. So, you’re using openvibe to access Nostr? I’m confused, so I will just follow your Nostr account. 😁
in reply to 💢Crash Override💢

@npub16xm39nak3pjtxjnyfqxjwz7jryrnqsayrfnr44nvfx2a3007vx6qjkvvws haha that's fine. I am directly on Mastodon right now and I am "federated" using the Nostr "bridge" called to interact with Nostr from here.
in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

Ah, ok, now I get it. If you haven’t, you should try openvibe, no weird bridges or anything, it simply posts to both platforms. It’s actually pretty badass.
They are looking to bring threads and Bluesky into the fold as well. I’m not a fan of those, but I can appreciate what they are trying to do.
in reply to 💢Crash Override💢

@npub16xm39nak3pjtxjnyfqxjwz7jryrnqsayrfnr44nvfx2a3007vx6qjkvvws I do have it installed. However, I am waiting for it to be more "fully featured" if that makes sense. I am spoiled by my Nostr and Mastodon apps features.🤣
in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

I feel ya. Openvibe is lacking in a lot of features that would otherwise make mastodon a more pleasant experience. It took me a couple days to settle on a Nostr client, either their notifications were broken or the mute option doesn’t work. Damus has both functional so I will probably just continue to use this. I mute anything to do with bitcoin, that’s not my thing. I am here for the freedom and not being worried about getting kicked from an instance for saying the wrong word.
in reply to 💢Crash Override💢

@npub16xm39nak3pjtxjnyfqxjwz7jryrnqsayrfnr44nvfx2a3007vx6qjkvvws I definitely feel the sense of freedom there. Though I think I have "rejection sensitivity dysphoria", which makes me super careful to how I word things so I don't make people mad. That's just built into me for some reason, it's a curse and a blessing because I don't say a lot of controversial stuff, but I also feel I shouldn't worry so much about making everyone happy, but it's like it's in my genes.🤷‍♂️

With the Nostr app issue, I'm on iOS and haven't found an app that works with notifications when I'm not using the app. So I don't really worry about notifications and just kinda "forget" about Nostr sometimes.

I like certain crypto like Bitcoin and Ethereum, so being able to use it to support others is pretty nice. Though, with the amount of scammers in the wider crypto space, I tend not to talk about it so much.