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Kudos to @keet for giving me this idea.

Let's pile on and recommend VP Harris join the Fediverse (or at the very least, Bluesky or Threads).

I'd bet if enough of us request it, she'll join us!

[Edit to note: The PDF hasn't been updated in a while but hopefully the contact information still works]

New Edit: Found her Social Media strategist! Brenna Parker, digital strategist
Parker joined Harris' office in July after serving as a social-media strategist on the Biden presidential campaign. She previously worked as a social-media manager at Lockwood Strategy, according to her LinkedIn profile.

#KamalaHarris #VPHarris #MastodonForHarris

Harris's comment form on the Whitehouse website.

Kamala Harris Facebook page:
(Looks like you can message her)

More direct phone & email links (PDF)

This entry was edited (3 days ago)