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In this climate, real and vocal allies who have little to lose personally are the universe. The whole universe. We are exhausted, but we see you.
This entry was edited (3 hours ago)
in reply to Lesley Carhart :unverified:

I see your yard signs and I see your posts and voter registration texts, and I see your fighting back at racist and sexist and homophobic comments from similarly privileged people and it’s the universe. It reminds me someone actually cares I have basic human dignity. I feel like I’m fighting alone, so often.
This entry was edited (3 hours ago)
in reply to Lesley Carhart :unverified:

This is why I'm not leaving, even if the worst happens in this election. I have to stay and fight with the people who can't leave. I've got your back.
in reply to Lesley Carhart :unverified:

I'm on your side, .... and I realize and feel bad that I'm not doing enough for so many causes I care for :ablobcatcry:
Excuses like time, money... ugh. I've donated and boosted... but nothing incredible... yet[?]
in reply to Lesley Carhart :unverified:

❤️ , +1

As an aside, I've been following you for a little bit now... but just noticed your amazing username! Ha! 👏

I make some mean pancakes. Didn't realize that might come in handy some day.

in reply to Jou

@ccjoel its self deprecating humor, but I love food! 💜💜💜
in reply to Lesley Carhart :unverified:

I called Rep Clay Higgins offices today. All 3. I show no mercy to the staff of these racists. ALL of them are racists, and they keep the offices running and harm the nation in the process. I am alone most of the time, but I figure if I’m calling folks, others are also working. You aren’t alone, even if we only meet here in the ether.
in reply to Lesley Carhart :unverified:

Like, I don't do it for any praise, I just try to default to kindness and support

It often feels like there's (very well-deserved) reticence to accept help from more privileged folks, and to see you (in particular you, whom I have so much respect for and trust in) saying this really helps me deal with the non-zero amount of shit I get just for being in favor of basic human decency.

So. . .Thank you so much. For making me feel better, but most of all for fighting the good fight.

in reply to Chris P. :trek_ds9_sisko:#1️⃣

(And to be totally clear here, I'm not in any way trying to compare the gibes and dirty looks I get to what is experienced by the truly marginalized. . .but it's still shit , and I still have to put up with it.)
in reply to Chris P. :trek_ds9_sisko:#1️⃣

@b4ux1t3 I'm really sorry. It's because there are a lot of people who fake it for very shady reasons. It is hard to trust people when you've been stabbed in the back before.
in reply to Lesley Carhart :unverified:

To the extent that anything I might do or have done has or will help, it's at least in part because of your inspiration, Lesley. Yours, yes, and others, too.

Keep it up. ❤

in reply to Lesley Carhart :unverified:

Thank you Lesley, We are with you in this fight for a better world. Hack the planet! Hack this system!

Here's an uplifting tune for all those in this fight.

From Stevie Wonder as sung at the recent DNC in Chicago.
Higher Ground:

"We're not going back"