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Trump is a bullshitter who says whatever the fuck pops into his head at any given moment

Vance is a calculating, shameless, expert liar

I thought DeSantis was the candidate I was worried about. Vance terrifies me. I don't know that he's quite as tactical as Thiel, but he doesn't need to be

He's the perfect Thiel henchman


in reply to Kim Scheinberg

I can’t really inhabit the mind of an undecided voter, but Vance’s most effective trick to me is pretending to care about some issue like climate change or healthcare in a just-for-the-sake-of-argument sort of way, and then lying through his teeth to make whatever policies the dems were espousing seem ineffective by their own criteria. All while not actually giving a shit about the issue and supporting policies that would make things infinitely worse (which of course he doesn’t mention). It’s absolutely poisonous.