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Why are so many talking about "replacing Biden" while the other candidate is a freaking fascist

Again, what a great focus we got :clapping: :blobderpverified:

in reply to stux⚡

I’m assuming they mean replacing him with someone inside the Democratic Party but I could be wrong. I haven’t paid that much attention.
in reply to stux⚡

Don't get me wrong, replacing Biden would be totally okay but the issue with me is the FOCUS of the NEWS

Is reporting only about sensation these days?

STOP with that BS

in reply to stux⚡

It would cause problems within the Democratic party and elect Trump.
in reply to stux⚡

Most of the stuff I create in Unreal Engine is more real than many stuff so called journalists are creating out of thin air these days

And that in an engine that's called Unreal

I suggest just become a game dev or fiction writers 🤷 At least you won't do more damage

This entry was edited (5 days ago)
in reply to stux⚡

The problem is that there really isn't enough time. If they were to replace him today, they would have roughly 45 days to prepare for the convention and then after that roughly 40 days before early voting starts.
in reply to James Wells

@nikatjef Oh i agree! 😉 it's waaay to late

But IF his health does come in serious risk, there should be no matter

Health goes first no matter what

in reply to stux⚡

There is no indication that the President has any serious health issues. His complete yearly health assessment is on line.He takes a cholesterol med, a blood thinner, and over the counter meds for allergies and GERD. As a medical professional I can tell you that's not unusual or concerning for anyone over 70.
He had a cold and sore throat on debate night. Unfortunate timing. It could've happened to anyone at any age.
in reply to Barbara Monaco

@Barbramon1 I'm happy about that! ❤️

It was indeed a super bad timing but ofc much can happen, a "just in case" situation

I just hate how much the alt right is bashing on this over and over

in reply to stux⚡

No worries, we have procedures in place to cover those "just in case" situations.
The right has built up the case against Biden's age for months, and they will continue to beat that drum.That's because it's all they have. Weak.
in reply to stux⚡

replacing biden is not ok

regardless of what people say, there are many conservative leaning people who are ok with voting for an old white male, and who would otherwise not vote for kamala harris

not only that, replacing biden loses the incumbent advantage

in reply to NeonPurpleStar :heart_pan:

@NeonPurpleStar It's more for his personal well being 😉

It doesn't matter how good he is, if the man suffers it's not okay

But yeah, it should be last resort perhaps, it's a little late now

in reply to stux⚡

@NeonPurpleStar Biden is healthy enough to get through this election and win, which will ensure the executive branch remains staffed by capable professionals for another term.

It's possible that he would want or need to step down before completing that term, but his team would remain in place. That's what matters the most.

in reply to stux⚡

It is about information, but for many news companies... it's about entertainment and sensationalism, and it always was.

The New York Post (a tabloid) has an article quoting the ex-husband of the First Lady (Jill Biden). Her ex-husband is criticizing her support of her current husband, the president... this is nonsense, but very typical.

in reply to WhippoorwillSong

@WhippoorwillSong It makes me sooo tired 😿

I think there was a drop that overfilled the bucket (or however in English :blobcatgiggle: )

in reply to stux⚡

news (and science) divisions were at one time independent, and not expected to make money. They have been rolled into the entertainment divisions where ratings and ad revenue rule. It's all about the bottom line with mega-media companies.
in reply to stux⚡

It would not be ok. It would hand the win to the RNC.

Maybe you should inform yourself before you share opinions.

in reply to stux⚡

Reporting has always been about sensation. The Spanish-American War was a dog wagged by Hearst newspapers.
in reply to stux⚡

it’s painfully obvious this time around that they’re not reporting the news as much as they are farming views
in reply to stux⚡

They all want attention, and the progressives still think there’s a chance for “their strongperson who will stick it to the right and make it all better”.

Biden’s team is good enough and smart enough to ignore it.

in reply to stux⚡

Yeah we are talking about this instead of the horrible things the Supreme Court did, which are much more important
in reply to stux⚡

The way I see it; if you are even considering voting for the rapist treason weasel then we know what you want and it isn't a better Dem candidate.
in reply to Cybarbie

@nf3xn But the fact that it is even a choice makes me very sad :sad_cat:
in reply to stux⚡

The focus is having a candidate with the highest probability of keeping that fascist out of office. That's either going to be Biden -- or someone else. And the clock is ticking.
in reply to stux⚡

My guess is that the news media is writing garbage so people will watch or read or listen to more news shows. It is not how things are done, false narrative. I will be voting, but not for the angry crazy person!
in reply to stux⚡

I walked away thinking nobody won, but Trump sounded very unhinged.
Not too many answers were directly answered.
Felt like CNN could have done any moderation or fact checking along with set & setting was a bit strange with no audience.
Also, Biden's handlers should know if he was sick and just postponed the debates.
At this point you have to move forward with who you got.
Recommended watch:
Beau of the fifth column
put out a video:
"Let's talk about Biden's experts and advisors...."
in reply to stux⚡

We're talking about it because Biden's cognitive performance in the debate was so poor. Biden and Trump debated twice in 2020 and the consensus was that Biden won those debates. He wasn't nearly as sharp this time and it was alarming. He shuffled on the stage, mumbled his answers and in general appeared like a doddering old man. There's still time to pick another candidate.
in reply to Bob Ramsey

@roberams Yes but the other canidate didn't even answer a question but kept rambling about unrelated stuff and lies

Why are we not talking about that :amaze:

in reply to stux⚡

Unbelievably, we've still got undecided voters in this country. Biden should be ahead by 20 points, but the media here has normalized Trump to such a degree that when he behaves like a lunatic people think, "That's just Trump being Trump." So we need an opponent who is clearly more competent. Biden's performance was just awful and it shocked us.
in reply to stux⚡

I will 100% vote for Biden if he is the candidate, but the man is ancient.There are also a growing number of people who say they won't vote for Biden no matter what, due to his enabling of the genocide in Palestine. If we had a younger candidate, who wasn't involved in something like that and was hopefully more progressive, it might swing more votes to the Dems. It might also get more people out to vote, at a time where turnout is still very low.
in reply to stux⚡

Also, I'd love for them to replace the fascist too, but his followers/party are insane and won't. How would you suggest we go about getting him out of politics and NOT have another one, that might be worse, replace him?
in reply to stux⚡

because they're worried he won't be able to win against the fascist. And they may be right.
in reply to stux⚡

i think it's a bit too late to replace biden. A year ago, sure. But there are only a few months until the election. Not enough time for his replacement to do any campaigning. Potential democrat voters would be like "who tf is this guy" and not vote and trump would win.
in reply to stux⚡

Because it caters to the smug faux left who hate Biden (but have no effective replacement) and the right wing, who need chaos on the DNC side to have a prayer of winning.
in reply to stux⚡

Replace the whole system instead and destroy fascism. It's easier said than done.
in reply to stux⚡

Trump should stop his campaign, he is a convicted felon. President Biden should not stop his run for reelection. We need Biden's honesty and hard work to pull us through these unpredictable times. The list of reasons for trump's withdrawal is too long and frankly too upsetting to list. You all know what a creep and grifter he is. Wake Up America, Vote Blue!
in reply to stux⚡

Because they all want Trump to come back. Or there's Bernie supporters who are still pissed off from 2020.
in reply to stux⚡

because the oligarchs who own the media want Trump to win, because they also own the Dems who are setting up Trump to win by running Biden.
in reply to stux⚡

Oh, haven’t you heard? Fascism & religious extremism are popular again! 🥳🤪
in reply to stux⚡

Because you have to beat the fascist at the election, and Biden is manifestly not the person for the job.
in reply to stux⚡

misschien niet zo populair wat ik nu zeg:

Maar als we zo beginnen, waarom ligt bij ons eigenlijk de focus op trump terwijl we zelf in nederland de fascisten al aan de macht hebben geholpen.

in reply to stux⚡

Problem is everyone's thinking in the box of two parties.
There will be no progress as long as the two party illusion remains strong.
in reply to stux⚡

Those pundits will do a full 180 degree turn when they realize that the only alternative is Bernie Sanders - popular with young voters, his policy is known in the entire US and even outside, there is nonzero number of non-democrats who will be willing to vote for him.