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I ordered a star labs starlite in August of 2023. The website said it would ship in 6 - 8 weeks.

It's now June of 2024, and the device has finally arrived.

This entry was edited (6 days ago)
in reply to Andrew (bookseller era)

I have too much going on to properly put the thing through it's paces, but I have booted it and confirmed that it is functional.

The screen looks nice, not too much glare.

However, at least when it's in the keyboard dock, the touch screen does not appear to work? Or at least has been disabled.

in reply to Andrew (bookseller era)

Disconnecting the device from the dock doesn't cause the touchscreen to start working.

This ... I mean, I'll troubleshoot it later and I'm sure it'll be something simple, but this isn't a great first impression for a device that is supposed to be a tablet.

in reply to Andrew (bookseller era)

I really want to like this computer!

But it's 9 months late and the touch screen doesn't work at all.

in reply to Andrew (bookseller era)

I'm a decent enough linux user, and I've been doing this shit for decades.

I will make the touch screen work.

But how the hell am I supposed to recommend to someone else that they make this purchase when it shows up 10 months after I order it, and the *primary* input mechanism that it shipped with is non-functional out of the box?

in reply to Andrew (bookseller era)

Alright, I unloaded all the hid drivers and rebooted and now my touchscreen works.


It's sticky. It doesn't always register that I have stopped touching it. This appears to be particularly bad in some places on the screen.

Unfortunately, those places on the screen are the fucking corners, you know where the menu buttons live.

in reply to Andrew (bookseller era)

The touch screen is super sloppy when used with a finger. It might be better with a pen. I didn't buy a pen with my initial order, instead planning to get one from a third party.

At this rate, I don't know if the device will live long enough for that.

Even my damn pinetab has better touchscreen tracking than this.

in reply to Andrew (bookseller era)

And autorotating the screen causes the touchscreen to go in to sticky mode, and not release. This can only be solved by the keyboard, which isn't attached.
in reply to Andrew (bookseller era)


So I've made some discoveries.

The touch screen works for gnome elements (the menu button, some gestures, some window management functions) more consistently than it work in applications.

I can launch applications consistently, but I can't interact with them once they're launched.

in reply to Andrew (bookseller era)

I can even occasionally get the on screen keyboard to trigger!

but typing on the keyboard does not work.

It's registering the touch events! I can see the letters change color.

But it doesn't send those key presses to the application?

in reply to Andrew (bookseller era)

Somehow last time I ended up logged in to ubuntu on xorg.

It looks like the bulk of the usability issues I was having were xorg's fault.

Wayland appears to be working correctly.
(who'd have ever thought I'd be typing that sentence?)

in reply to Andrew (bookseller era)

Still some minor headaches, but so far wayland is just about usable with touch!
in reply to Andrew (bookseller era)

I think I need to do some configuring of the on screen keyboard software, but ... I mean this ain't all bad!
in reply to Andrew (bookseller era)

If this had been the UX out of the box, and I hadn't had to tinker with it for an hour before it suddenly started working, and also it had shown up on the timetable they originally promised instead of 10 months later, I'd probably be pretty happy with it right now.
in reply to Andrew (bookseller era)

#starlabs #starlite V update.

It arrived! I ordered it in August, and they shipped it in June, but it did arrive (and after months of radio silence, I got lots of communication from starlabs over the last month prior to it arriving.)

Out of the box, the touch screen wasn't responding. I tinkered, and I'm not sure which bit of tinkering fixed the problem but one of them did.

The touchscreen works very well in wayland. At some point I ended up in xorg. The touchscreen does not work well in xorg.

In wayland gestures are responsive. The on screen keyboard is functional. It's the best linux tablet experience I've had so far. It is *far* from perfect, but it's pretty good!

The screen looks Wonderful. It's a little too glossy for my taste, but it's a 3:2 2880 x 1920 display, and it looks really nice.

I haven't had the thing for long enough to say anything else about it. I don't have a pen to use with it yet.

in reply to Andrew (bookseller era)

But yeah, a few hours in to owning the thing, now that all the bad first impressions are out of the way, I'm excited to use it more. I don't hate it!
in reply to Andrew (bookseller era)

What are the essential linux apps for a tablet configuration?

Best drawing app with pen input?

What Pen should I get?