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If you are passionate about trains, raise your hand! 🚆🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️

Discover our new cross-border rail initiatives in the EU that are reshaping train travel.

These projects cover routes from Hungary to Austria and Romania, Paris, Milan, and Venice, setting the foundation for future routes and increased travel options.

As mobility discussions play a crucial role in shaping the future of transportation, join us at #ConnectingEurope Days 2024 in Brussels until the 5th of April.


in reply to European Commission

And what about Estonia, Lituania, Lettonia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece ? 👀
in reply to European Commission

We need to move more towards a locomotive & carriage model, where I can go to sleep in the Copenhagen --> Barcelona carriage and be shuttled by various inter-city locomotives towards the final destination. The origin-->final destination model will never scale to replace planes. Let's be ambitious!
in reply to European Commission

I would be passionate about trains if they were affordable to EU citizens. 🙄
in reply to European Commission

ahí falta mucho tren, gran parte de la periferia de la unión esta totalmente desaparecida.
España y Portugal estarían muy mal comunicadas con el centro, Italia del sur también, Grecia ni está ni se la espera, Polonia, y los países bálticos ídem.

Esta propuesta no conecta nada, solo une lo que ya de por si está muy conectado. No añade, a mi modo de ver, una novedad con respecto a lo preexistente.

in reply to European Commission

I hope I can see the Lisbon Madrid connection in my lifetime, but I'm not holding my breath for it
in reply to European Commission

Cool how this plan ignores almost every EU country east of stockholm🙂
in reply to European Commission

If that graphic shows anything than that this isn't good enough. No connection Paris to Berlin, or Brussels-Berlin, so many obvious and important places just not connected properly.
in reply to European Commission

What are sources and methodology? Coming from #Prague #Czechia I always thought we have good connection with #Europe. I was almost sure there are daytrains to at least #Vienna, #Warsaw, #Budapest, #Bratislava served by national railways.
in reply to European Commission

Plus you can already get from Paris to both Madrid and Barcelona by train.

If you are passionate about trains, raise your hand! 🚆🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️

Discover our new cross-border rail initiatives in the EU that are reshaping train travel.

These projects cover routes from Hungary to Austria and Romania, Paris, Milan, and Venice, setting the foundation for future routes and increased travel options.

As mobility discussions play a crucial role in shaping the future of transportation, join us at #ConnectingEurope Days 2024 in Brussels until the 5th of April.


in reply to European Commission

British trains can barely get us from the Midlands to London, so let's not get too excited about this yet.
in reply to European Commission

Sieht leider aus als würden Rhein-Main- und Ruhrgebiet weiträumig umfahren.

(5 Jahre nach Köln bahngependelt, ahne also warum.)

Wobei das nur neue Strecken sind? Ich erinnere mich, dass jeden Montag morgen in Essen ein Zug nach Paris auf dem Nachbargleis stand.

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to European Commission

For an union that is 30 years old this map is quite embarrassing.
in reply to European Commission

Does the Commission test the practicality of finding cross-border connections and booking tickets?

What are the results of these tests?

in reply to European Commission

Me alegra ver que la Comisión apoya la conexión directa de A Coruña con Lisboa, la conexión ferroviaria de Galicia con Portugal es una asignatura pendiente, solo existe un trenecito muy precario.

Solo queda que la conexión sea apoyada desde el Estado Español, que suele desechar proyectos de transporte que no pasen por Madrid,

in reply to European Commission

Sadly, a decent railroad connection from Liège to Maastricht to Aachen is still impossible. Decades of talking, debating, and still, hardly anything to call "a decent connection".
in reply to European Commission

we should connect Portugal to Europe.

Instead of flights, we should be aiming for optimising European railway systems in order to connect countries more effectively and remove the dependency of airplanes which are really harmful for the environment.

in reply to European Commission

I can only hope this map is not the real concept... There is no connection between major population centers of Germany like #ruhrarea and France or Netherlands

No connection to Poland at all?

Is it just about showing some well known city names?

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to European Commission

Most of the projects seem to avoid the dysfunctional German railway network. So it looks like those projects might indeed work.
in reply to European Commission

I find it ironic that the first option on the practical information page on how to get to the convention centre for the #ConnectingEurope days is ‘get there by plane’…
in reply to European Commission

From the replies I see people in Europe complain about train service. In America we wonder what train service is.
in reply to European Commission

click on the link and then on “practical information” : it opens with air traffic as first option :(
in reply to European Commission

I love travelling by train and I'm very impressed by Austrian Railways but the continent is badly let down by DeutscheBahn which is appalling.
in reply to European Commission

Night time sleeper capacity should go 5x high at summer. Especially from Stockholm. Build capsule sleepers for economy travel.
in reply to European Commission

I assume these are new direct train connections? As many existing international connections are not shown?
Let's also work on improving the existing connections. Being a regular train traveller from Amsterdam to Copenhagen: this journey takes > 12 hours with at least 3 changeovers that add 2 hours to the journey. (If there is no strike or severe delays in Germany..)
And let's tax airplane fuel so that traveling by train becomes financially competitive and attractive.