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Omg.. :sad_cat: Stripe just closed my account after I don’t know how many years.. Apparently I am a ‘risk’ now while I’ve never had any issue with them before

Now half of the donation methodes are falling away..

Please only use the following ways for donating♥️

They don’t make it easier unfortunately :neocat_cry_loud:

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in reply to stux⚡

I hope this is a mistake that they will correct for you!
in reply to stux⚡

This is so terrible, I could cry but unfortunately that won’t solve a thing

Already have ticket with Stripe and tomorrow I’m gonna call them..

in reply to stux⚡

did you ever have any chargebacks? I'm curious what their basis is for "risk” — they seem to want to push people to not use them directly but instead use the big platforms.. which is weird.
in reply to Emelia 👸🏻

I don't say it's a good thing but it kinda makes sense, they get the same amount of money, but don't have to deal with any user's problems and just offload them to others
in reply to Gloopsies :fedora:

@gloopsies then why offer products like Stripe Elements and Stripe Checkout?

I think this is something else going on here.

in reply to Emelia 👸🏻

@thisismissem @gloopsies I did had a few chargebacks but spread over many years and nothing exceptional so i was surprised it happened all of a sudden
in reply to stux⚡

Wait, they WHAT??? Did they even give you a crappy -- nay ANY -- reason why?
in reply to Josh

@josh I had to provide business docs, and so i did.. twice but still rejected

Out of the blew yesterday without any warning

This sucks so hard :sad_cat:

in reply to stux⚡

Sorry, not tryina get all up in your business, but I'm definitely willing to go to bat for you. Probably some automated risk assessment software that never got properly fine-tuned.

Hmm, he's non-profit but he's not a super-PAC so, yeah, better make sure he goes out of business just in case. Or whatever.

Or maybe they just indiscriminately shoot every fifth customer in the back of the head now?

in reply to Josh

@josh Tomorrow im gonna call with them and talkk to a humman.. Let's see what the options are!
in reply to stux⚡

Is there a problem with open collective?
(I donate there to support this instance)
in reply to Miguel Aguayo

@maalmike OC uses Stripe indeed, it should all still work but i may need to change some things on OC later on if Stripe doesn't want me
in reply to stux⚡

Agree. . . I don't like/use paypal. I use patreon but find it *confusing*
in reply to stux⚡

I have been using to donate to you. Do they use Stripe?
in reply to Donald Ham

@donaldham For now yes 😉 im gonna change that but it should all still work
in reply to stux⚡ can also be used again ❤️

I'm so sorry for all these issues, I'm trying but it's a little out of my hand

in reply to stux⚡

Just sent 10 Euro on Ko-fi as a test/regular contribution.
in reply to Donald Ham

@donaldham Got it! Thank you Donald ❤️ I've reconfigured KoFi to use PP instead
in reply to stux⚡

I do still have an active Coinbase account.. but I'm worried that accepting #Cryptocurrency as donation might do more harm then good? 😟
in reply to stux⚡

They hit me, about six months ago. Careful with Paypal. They share the same screening efforts, Paypal will pull next.

Be prepared to ditch these altogether, and move towards more independent efforts. It's the only way to stay afloat. Embrace, don't try to fight too much. Waste of time.

in reply to stux⚡

I don't know what's been going on, but they've been doing this a lot lately. They've done it to me 3 times so far I think recently (each time I appealed, they re-opened my account, then it happened again a few days later). I looked up their FAQ and specifically sent them a link to the article showing that my use case was okay. Unfortunately it seems like "fundraising" in general is forbidden, but every fundraising site uses them and most don't have an alternative :S
Unknown parent


@walterburns Thank you ❤️

Yeah I won't, currently I can't do anything so I'm focusing on my iOS game dev! Tomorrow I'm gonna call them and see

in reply to stux⚡

Appeal loudly, this may be organised right wing Bigots slandering you and other Mastodon Fedi accounts
in reply to stux⚡

What I hate most about all of the cryptocurrency bullshit is how they hijacked the very real need for a decentralized means of transferring funds.
in reply to Jargoggles

@jargoggles I am kinda looking into my Coinbase acc now but i am so unsure on if to use it again..

I'm kinda out of options

in reply to stux⚡

@jargoggles payment companies are complete dicks

Also visa/mastercard are practically a duopoly

in reply to stux⚡

I've tried to open an account with them a while back, but got stuck on so much bureaucratic hassle I just gave up on it. It really sucks that they're so big.
Unknown parent


@walterburns I've been an advocate of not using crypto since the many downsides for a while

I don't wanna be a hypocrite..

Unknown parent

@walterburns Perhaps indeed..
in reply to stux⚡

Thank you for the heads up!

Same happened to us with Square. We only found out one day while trying to process a payment. From NerdWallet -

Leaving us hanging meant that Square can kiss our :ablobfoxloading: for the rest of recorded time.

Unknown parent

@dawae Thats US only right?
Unknown parent

@dawae oooh!
in reply to stux⚡

You can accept card payments directly through operators like MyPOS, which is European. You don't need extra intermediaries.
in reply to stux⚡

Open an account for free and create accounts for all the currencies you need to accept.

You can have local bank details for:

AUD, NZD, CAD, USD, EUR, GBP, SGD and a couple of others.

With local bank details people can do a simple EFT to you with no fees. You can convert currencies at the current market rate and send money with very low fees much faster than telegraphic transfers. Sometimes international transfers are instant.

You can also get a visa debit card to access your funds from anywhere.

It doesn't replace being able to accept card payments of course but you also don't need to deal with third parties and middle men and it is another option. It is always good to have options.

in reply to stux⚡

what’s the status of funding for this instance? Can you cover your expenses through donations?