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in reply to TechCrunch

It is depressing to see Eugen 2024 departing so far from the stated principles of Eugen 2016.

Also, as well as the Twitter co-founder, the board now includes a lawyer specialising in blockchain & AI 🤮

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

@FediThing how has he departed from these principles? Nothing has changed as of yet. But also, a persons ideas and principles are going to change over an 8 year period. I trust the guy until he gives us legit reason not to. He’s put a lot into this and doesn’t exactly make a ton of money from it.
in reply to Veedems

"how has he departed from these principles?"

-Centralising the Fediverse by diverting people to one server which he owns
-Promoting Meta
-Appointing blockchain/AI people & Twitter founders etc

"He’s put a lot into this and doesn’t exactly make a ton of money from it."

I agree he's underpaid by industry standards. But many, many people have put a lot into the Fediverse and made no money at all.

The network exists because thousands of unpaid volunteer admins have created and run servers for several years now. By definition you can't create a decentralised network on your own.

in reply to FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

p.s. Here's the promo film Eugen commissioned for Mastodon in 2018, and he is bit by bit diverging away from it: