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The lies that sell #FastFashion

You deserve better than #Shein.

There are countless articles and videos breaking down the abysmal labor practices, horrifying #environmental toll, and overall mountain of waste produced by the fast #fashion industry.

Activists and even just large swaths of the general public have been raising the alarm about this for well over a decade, but it hasn’t stopped the rise of some of the worst offenders in the industry.

in reply to stux⚡

not to mention that even if you do buy this clothing because you're on a small budget, they are literally made to last an average of only 7 wears and mending skills are on the decline. They're also nearly all made of plastic fibres, so they'll end up polluting after they get tossed.
in reply to stux⚡

captalism's obsession with overproduction has to be seen as any other addiction. It's going to take a pretty substantial intervention.