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Looking out over a span of collapsed roof at the abandoned Packard Automotive Plant in Detroit.

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in reply to Abandoned America

The sale on signed copies of my first book "Abandoned America: The Age of Consequences" is almost over! Packard is a chapter and you also get a free 5x7 print, so it's a pretty solid deal. Here's the link if you're interested:
in reply to Abandoned America

Meant to tell you my copy showed up - thank you for the quote!
in reply to Abandoned America

What is amazing is that it's been almost a hundred years and the majority of the Packard plant remained standing until the recent demolitions despite over 60 years of no maintenance. Talk about overbuilt. Industrial-era America knew how to build things. Information-era America... not so much, we buy most of our stuff from other places now.
in reply to Abandoned America

Whoa—was just thinking about Detroit (& Gary, IN) in particular, after reading an #article in the NY Review of #Books (1/19/23), where Colin Thubron asserts "A ruin arouses pleasure only long after the tragedy of its cause has faded." I'm prone to thinking much of the Rust Belt's (US's et al's) ruin-causes are still very much gnawing their way thru the social fabric—such a mixture of motives keeps us coming back to (contemporary) sites (& hence, so much good work about them).