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So three things:

  • Proof no one wants to pay $200/mo for a system that is suspect.
  • #Tesla is getting desparate.
  • They stuck "Supervised" in the name and then went with an acronym because if they had to spell it out, it would look as stupid as it is: Full Self-Driving Supervised.

So, Tesla, is it Full Self-Driving or is it not? Because if it has to be Supervised, it isn't.

in reply to steve mookie kong

Full Self-Driving is some sort of trade name, is what my guess is they'll argue in court
in reply to Chumchum Tumtum

I'm guessing the same, but it's also a bold face lie (and false/deceptive advertisement).
in reply to steve mookie kong

absolutely! As are probably most of the claims Musk makes on any given day, but it doesn't seem he'll ever face any meaningful consequence for it