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Book Challenge: 20 Bücher, die dich geprägt haben. Ein Buch pro Tag, 20 Tage lang. Keine Erklärungen, keine Bewertungen, nur Buchcover. #20books #20books20days #20tage20bucher #booksthatinfluencedyou 7/20
in reply to Ingo Schramm

Besides the writings of Marx, which I had to read at school, Spinoza's Ethics was the first book in philosophy that I studied as a late teenager. At the time I was obsessed with Jena Romanticism, so it was a natural choice (after Novalis). I don't think I understood it. But it opened the door to the world of philosophy for me.

#20books #20books20days #20tage20bucher #booksthatinfluencedyou