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First, fuck McDonalds.
Second, fuck shrinkflation.
Third, fuck capitalism in general.

This isn't a burger patty, this is a meat-flavored Ritz cracker.

It's comically small.

This is a Big Mac that got lost in the desert for a month and was forced to drink its own beef juices to survive.

Was there a cow shortage and they had to just scrape whatever was leftover off the grill and into a rough approximation of disappointment?

#FuckCapitalism #Shrinkflation #FastFood

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to 🅰🅻🅸🅲🅴

And yes, one of my guilty pleasures is McDonalds fast food. I know it's gross, but it hits my brain like crack and I get itchy for it once in a while...

Okay, I get cravings for SMEGs regularly. It's a travesty that they don't serve them all day anymore.

If I was president, I'd sign an executive order to make SMEGs available 24/7 and put them on the dollar menu (at their original size).

Fuck, now I'm craving one...or three.

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to I̵E̶E̸E̵ ̷1̵1̸4̴9̴.̷1̷

I'm in a part of the US that we have a hot n spicy mcgangbang to give it some more *umph*. 🤣
in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

i was around one of those parts and indeed it makes an objectively better sandwich