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in reply to Jcrabapple

I disagree. I think a two-woman ticket could really drive home the biggest issue (women's rights) right now. The optics of two strong women taking on the misogynist pig is perfect.
in reply to Uncle Sam

@unclesam it's American politics. You need a man on the ticket to win in 2024.
in reply to Jcrabapple

Please don't argue with me. I've been arguing with Biden diehards for months telling them he should drop out and I'm tired of it.

I'm tired of arguing with fellow Democrats while Republicans all walk in lock step (pun intended) behind Trump and we can't stop fighting each other about stupid petty shit.

Let's just agree to disagree and move on with our lives. 😕

in reply to Uncle Sam

@unclesam I'm not arguing I'm expressing my opinion and what have historically been facts.
in reply to Jcrabapple

Actually, you asserted a direct challenge by not qualifying your statement as opinion. You used absolute terms like 'need' making it clear that you were challenging this person's opinion as wrong, which is just rude, to be honest. 🧐
in reply to stupidityshouldhurt

@thelearningtree @unclesam lol ok. Everything everyone says is an opinion. That's how you have a conversation. If you're that easily upset with someone's opinion then don't engage.
in reply to stupidityshouldhurt

@thelearningtree @unclesam or you could try not calling someone a dick who was just expressing their opinion? Maybe that's hard for you IDK. Get over yourself.