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I'm just waiting for the Democrats to somehow screw this up. #harris2024
in reply to Jcrabapple

🤞 I’m feeling good. first time I’ve seen real enthusiasm in a while. **Harris** might fuck it up, but after the election. anyway, we can worry about that later.
in reply to Peter Krupa

@peter I have no doubt about her abilities. I have doubts about her electability.
in reply to Jcrabapple

she’ll be fine! just gotta lock it in. they don’t have enough time to generate weird conspiracy theories.
in reply to Peter Krupa

@peter I have very little faith in the American people to not be racist, misogynistic assholes.
in reply to Jcrabapple

@peter I look at it this way. The people that were going to vote for Trump will do so anyway. However, he is divisive and doesn't do well with independents. The main question is are there independents that can be swayed to vote for Harris (or whoever is Dem nominee) now that Biden is gone. I think the answer is yes. The other question is will the Dems stick together... hopefully yes.
in reply to Jason 🛥️🏄‍♂️

@jfk also, people are gonna vote how they vote. there aren’t many who can be persuaded to change their votes. elections now hinge on turnout and enthusiasm, and there is now the potential for Democratic voters to be WAY more enthusiastic.