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in reply to anonymiss

Yes. If it's a very old Unix Slsystem, the 32bit time counter will overflow 2038.
in reply to anonymiss

This is a much bigger potential problem than Y2000.
in reply to anonymiss

@Khurram Wadee I dont's think so. I remember well, there were a ton of systems and applications which got updates before Y2000. Not obvious for normal people, but for system administrators and developers.

But sure: a lot of older equipment will have troubles.

in reply to anonymiss

It's the embedded systems where the problems would lie but that also includes Intel's ME, which runs Minix.
in reply to anonymiss

@Khurram Wadee most embedded systems vendors I know are aware of this problem.

But I see two cases: Old embedded devices in the field where nobody thinks about timing issues and an unknown number of devices without updated applications. Embedded 32bit Linux systems with a kernel below 5.6 will likely have some problems.

haven't found any information if the Minix in the ME uses 32bit time_t

in reply to anonymiss

Yes, it's the old devices, sometimes mission critical, which are the danger. I don't know about ME either, just that it runs a type of UNIX and there citould be an issue there.