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We are so excited to have our baby here! But we were caught off guard by Assata's arrival at 37 weeks. We both want to be completely present and focused during this newborn phase, which means fundraising $3500 for living expenses.

nullagent on venmo, cashapp, and paypal

#MutualAidRequest #kamala24

in reply to nullagent

Congratulations on the little one and best of luck :) 💕
in reply to nullagent

Android store changes slashed the viewership of my app by 90% this year, so I have a ton of work ahead of me to re-establish that income flow. And what I really need to be doing is getting enough sleep to be a competent care provider for the baby and Nat—who's recovering from a rough labor, perineal tears, and a heavily malnourishing pregnancy.

I also have my unpaid activist work, which is its own full-time job. This is where monthly contributions to my ko-fi can make the biggest difference.

This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)
in reply to nullagent

I would love to prioritize this deeply meaningful and necessary labor when I have any time to spare—but right now I'm between a rock and a hard place just trying to keep the lights on. It's too easy for me to sacrifice necessary sleep because I know I'm more privileged than many in my community, and I have the organizing skills to make shit happen. The more ongoing support I have to sustain this work, the more effective I'll be in balancing all the demands on my time.

in reply to nullagent

I have been running this server as a labor of love for 2 years, and this community has become an essential lifeline for so many. I show up with thoughtful takes, important news, key activist strategies, and so much more. In turn, y'all have helped me keep going through some truly rough years. I've asked for more help this year than ever before, and it's been incredibly hard to keep making these requests—again, knowing there are SO many others in need.
in reply to nullagent

I know that my work on and offline has great value to the people whose lives I've been able to affect and that it is MORE than okay to ask y'all to keep helping with the overhead so that I can focus on what matters most.

So, I would love to reach $3500 for upcoming bills and allowing us to truly breathe and take some parental leave and $1000 or more in monthly contributions to my ko-fi to support the costs of this server and my local activist work.


This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)