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in reply to SherBeareth 💙 Harris Walz

The problem is, everybody thinks this description applies to their opponents and not to their own favored candidates.

The problem is, this isn't helpful in such a world.

in reply to volkris

@volkris Your judgment looks insufferably bad, I’m afraid. I decline to discuss politics with a heckler who follows 22 people and readily trashes VP Harris. Bait someone over at XTwitter, please. You seem bent on buzzing my friends. This isn’t helpful to anyone. Hence you and your doublespeak are unwelcome.
in reply to SherBeareth 💙 Harris Walz

What double speak?

Yeah, Harris is awful, but beyond that it's important to realize that both sides believe that the description you provided applies to the other side, so it doesn't really get anyone anywhere.

It's just the exact same rocks that both sides are throwing at each other. So what progress does it make?

Anyway, it's important to realize what your enemy is saying if you want to contest them. Or else you're just preaching to the choir, and what's the point?

in reply to volkris

@volkris You’re back? Toodles, then. Orate somewhere else. If Trump is elected it will be weightless weasels like you who got him there.