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Hard pills to swallow about US elections: You will *never* be able to accurately predict US elections until you accept these facts:

1) The majority of white people in the US will vote for whichever of the two candidates is the most anti-Black. That's usually the GOP option. This has been true since the 1960s.

2) So in order to win, the Dem candidate has to have enthusiastic Black voter support. Without this support, the Dem candidate cannot win.

Knowing that, let's look at these options!🤡

reshared this

Unknown parent



Harris has about the same chance as Biden.

Harris has much stronger support from the demographic that most influences US elections: Black voters.

Harris has much less strong support from racists and sexists.

Everyone else is no major swing for or against.

It still comes down to "How many Black people will vote in swing states?"

Unknown parent

You still sticking to this?
Fwiw I think #KamalaHarris has a decent shot to win.