Lucky you! There are •two• different chances for you to show up for democracy this week!
There are “Stand Up for Science” rallies nationwide this Friday, March 7. Find yours here:
#MSP folks, our local rally is at the Minnesota State Capitol, 3-5pm.
March 7, 2025. Washington DC and nationwide. Because science is for everyone.STAND UP FOR SCIENCE
Paul Cantrell
in reply to Paul Cantrell • • •And #TeslaTakedown events continue nationwide, on an ongoing basis. Search for ones near you here:
#MSP folks, we have a local rally in Golden Valley (just off 55 & Ottawa) this Saturday, March 8, 11am until…1:00? or whenever? And it looks like they’re going pretty much every Saturday now.
Tesla Takedown | Take action at Tesla showrooms everywhere.
Tesla TakedownPaul Cantrell
in reply to Paul Cantrell • • •Do I think these sorts of protests are actually going to stop the coup and bring down the oligarchs? No. But I do think they’re a part of the work:
- They •do• actually have an impact, on politician behavior and on Tesla’s stock price; it matters when people show up.
- We need to •practice• showing up, get in the habit. This is your warm-up.
- These events are a place to build connections, gather energy.
- Bigger action starts with smaller action. Do not wait for “the big one” to arrive before you leave the house. •Make• the big one arrive by participating early and often.
- I cannot overemphasize how psychologically different it is to •take action• •with other people• instead of just endlessly scrolling and angsting. If nothing else, show up just for your own sake!
El Duvelle
in reply to Paul Cantrell • • •I don't suppose you or anyone else would know if there is a #StandUpForScience in the UK?