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I’ve done what I can at the ballot box to save America. Voted blue up and down, and saw my vote counted. Now to keep up the outreach and donations. #federatethevote #ivoted #harriswalz2024 #voteblueupanddown #earlyvoting
in reply to Lesley Carhart :unverified:

Apropos of nothing it’s neat that they have “I voted” in Tagalog and Polish on there too.

(I recognized the Tagalog but I had to make an educated guess on the Polish.)

EDIT: Oh and yes, thank you for voting and I am begging my fellow Americans to not throw our democracy away. Good lord.

This entry was edited (6 days ago)
in reply to Lesley Carhart :unverified:

I remember when I was 18 or so (so this was multiple decades ago, like 1997, because I am old) having my small-town-raised self learn of the Hmong language when an ATM in a large city presented English, Spanish, and Hmong as language options. I got to learn something new by surprise, which is always a blessing.
in reply to Lesley Carhart :unverified:

didn’t get a sticker sadly, but mailed my ballot this morning. Making sure my friends/family vote this week. I hope it is enough.
in reply to Lesley Carhart :unverified:

thank someone in your replies also noted, this is for the rest of the world too.
in reply to DrD

@NZedAUS I know, but… do you have like, a large closet I can sleep in, in case?
in reply to Lesley Carhart :unverified:

back in 2020 I requested permanent IL mail in voting due to health reasons. Mailed my Will County IL ballot in on Monday and verified on Friday that it had been received and accepted as valid (also Blue top to bottom). So no sticker for me but I did take a screenshot of the website that validated my mail in ballot :) Thanks for all you do!
in reply to Lesley Carhart :unverified:

I've been noticing that, from a whole lot of people, from basically every walk of life I know.
in reply to Josh Conway :donor:

@crankylinuxuser we have to do a lot of caring for a lot of people who do not give a shit about our survival or their own.
in reply to Lesley Carhart :unverified:

Me too, and don't have anything even approaching your life - I can't even imagine your levels of tired.

*gentle hugs*

in reply to Lesley Carhart :unverified:

@hacks4pancakes@infosec.exchangei hope you took some “Leslie” time. I take bubble baths and do my nails in candle light when I get that way. Oh, ice cream. That too.
in reply to Lesley Carhart :unverified:

I am not from the US, but US politics have a tendency to cause world wide effects. Therefore you have my heart felt thanks for what you do!