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Closely watched class-action lawsuit moves forward against Clark County (Las Vegas) School District alleging weak cybersecurity practices (e.g., "the district’s use of students’ birth dates to form their default passwords"). At issue: the responsibility of the district to secure its IT systems and student data - and its culpability if found it failed to do so. #edtech #databreach @PogoWasRight @brett @funnymonkey
in reply to Doug Levin

This case is mindblowing on multiple levels.

One thing that I keep coming back to: parents must be incredibly frustrated with a district to launch a lawsuit with their kids still enrolled. It's a very dangerous position.

And the district response here helps illustrate why parents would have that level of frustration.

in reply to funnymonkey

As a reminder, this was one of those breaches where the parents and public were finding out more from my site than they were from the district -- and in my experience, when that happens -- when entities don't get in front of the story -- people will definitely be more ticked off about the breach.