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When it comes to sentiment over A.I., LinkedIn is the polar opposite of the Fediverse.

LinkedIn lunatics think A.I. will solve all problems, bake them a cake, and usher in a messianic new age.

I don’t know how far A.I. will go, but typically with anything – if both your aunt and your cab driver are hyped about it, that’s the sign things will be over soon.

See also: the Metaverse, NFTs, Beanie Babies…

This entry was edited (4 days ago)
in reply to Chris Trottier

#NFT are still around.
They are called (Distributed) "Digital Identity Tokens" or permutations thereof.
Governments around the world are chomping at the bit to implement them.
My country (Oz) is often a test bed, the cunts just passed a law requiring real identity checks before getting online...

...and the Taxi drivers who bought BTC doubled their money in the last 2 years and BTC is ATH, so maybe your tea-leafing algorithm needs some fine tuning 😁

in reply to Chris Trottier

The “people” on Linked In are just artificial personae created created by humans. The reason AI is so popular on Linked In is that once the AI bots get the toxic positivity down pat the the humans of Linked In can just let the AI bots run their accounts and no one will be the wiser.
in reply to fmc01

@frankcat This is true for many folk on LinkedIn but many of them absolutely are sincere and I know because I’ve spent time with them.
in reply to Chris Trottier

Virtually all are sincere intelligent and decent people - but Linked In is where you go “To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet;” T S Eliot