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Challenge to post 20 books that greatly influenced you, 1 book per day. No explanations or reviews¹, just covers. Day 1

¹I don't know if that goes with the rules, but I will happily discuss my books in the comments (if there are any).

#20Days20Books #20Books20Days

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Mina

rules are there to be broken, so:
What is this book about and how did it influence who you are now?
in reply to Schafstelze

English title: You will soon be a shadow

It's about a man who lost his way and finds himself wandering through the Pampa, gets into a plot to rob a casino, finds friendships, almost dies loses everything again, but keeps his dignity,

It's poetic, funny, sad, suspenseful and inspirational.

It helped me through many hardships.