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Day 10 (half time)

Julio Cortázar: Final del juego [End of the Game]

Outside of Latin America, J. Cortázar is less known than, say, Gabriel García Márquez or Jorge Luis Borges, but he is certainly one of the most influential authors of a continent so rich in great writers.

This is the first book by



@HistoPol @mattotcha @energiepirat @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @GreenFire @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @2ndStar @MAJ1 @scb

in reply to Mina

Cortázar, I read, and it made a deep impression on me and sent me on a journey to know more of his works.

It contains a number of short stories from the realm of fantastic literature, many of them leaving you with an uncanny feeling.

Did you ever wonder how it would feel to be an axolotl?

You can read it here (in 🇬🇧):


@HistoPol @mattotcha @energiepirat @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @GreenFire @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @2ndStar @MAJ1 @scb

in reply to Mina

Another story that makes you question the nature of reality, is "La noche boca arriba" [The night face up].

There is a nice short film based on it, but if you can, read the story.


@HistoPol @mattotcha @energiepirat @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @GreenFire @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @2ndStar @MAJ1 @scb

in reply to Mina

“1984” by George Orwell. The way he describes the subtle oppression exerted by the government, how history can be rewritten, the concept of being always in a militar conflict with another country, and when, despite of all their efforts, it is not enough to keep the people quiet, the horror of the state terrorism.
in reply to Javier Q


This is one of the best books ever written. We all know it, and yet it's happening.

Especially the destruction of the concept of truth in itself, was something I could not imagine when I read it decades ago.

and yet, here we are.

@HistoPol @mattotcha @energiepirat @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @GreenFire @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @2ndStar @MAJ1 @scb

in reply to Mina

You are totally right! But somehow we find ourselves in the situation of explaining much simpler things to an incredible amount of idiots, (f.i. the Earth is not flat) so I lost all my hope that someone can understand that what the Alt(extreme)-right is doing since some years is exactly what is told in this book.
What it is still not clear to me is if we are leaving a shitty world to future generations, or if they are the ones driving it to a disaster. 🤔
in reply to Javier Q


What is clear to me is that, there are active forces trying to undermine the notion of a universal truth by throwing hundreds of different narratives into the public discourse in order to confuse people so much that they seek guidance in strong leaders.

@HistoPol @mattotcha @energiepirat @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @GreenFire @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @2ndStar @MAJ1 @scb