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in reply to anonymiss

it has long unnerved me, that it's called that... even more now in the age of the dawning of artificial intelligence. software freedom. not free software. ... imagine doing that with other freedoms. ... going from free speech, to... speech free. i jest with that linguistic aside. but no really... do we want free software and user freedom, or software freedominating users? ... see what i mean? it's like an orwellian embrace, a camel's nose in the tent.

... but far be it for me to cause another ruckus of whether we're the judean people's front or the popular front or whatever.

yay free software!
yay software freedom!
yay open source!
yay foss!
yay software libre!

in reply to anonymiss

Should we discuss whether we should call it "GNU/Linux" or improve the world?
in reply to anonymiss

I dont know about "should", [nor "or" there], but, there are benefits to retaining at least some kind of a wink and not to so people remember it's the freedom, not the corporation usurping with agnotologically abusive convenience, nor the linux, that's key to celebrate, as something encouraged and kept vibrant in people's hearts and minds, as something essential to improving the world.