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What parties in Europe are against the mass surveillance EU proposal Chat Control?

In Sweden the parties against are:

Vänsterpartiet (socialists)
Centerpartiet (center right party)
Miljöpartiet (green party)
Sverigedemokraterna (racist far right party)

Consistently for Chat Control:

Socialdemokraterna (social democrats)


Moderaterna (conservatives)
Kristdemokraterna (christian democrats)
Liberalerna (liberals)

#ChatControl #StopScanningMe #eupol


This entry was edited (4 days ago)
in reply to Samuel

I am particular interested in what parties in Germany and France have to say about Chat Control.

Do the parties act the same in the national parlament as they do in the EU parlament?

In Sweden, the parties in the national goverment are pro Chat Control in the national parlament and against (at least the conservatives and liberals) in the EU parlament.

Does anybody know about Germany and France?

@echo_pbreyer or @edri

#ChatControl #StopScanningMe


in reply to Samuel

@edri In Germany, Pirates, Greens, Liberals, Left and far-right are opposed, Social Democrate are opposed concerning encrypted messages only, don't know about conservatives really.

La Quadrature or French Pirates might know for France.


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