@PavelASamsonov that one has been doing well for a couple of weeks now. I only bake bread 1-2 times a week, and the rest of the time it's in the fridge.
They came out this morning ready for making dough tonight for the morning and still had good consistency, with a tiny amount of liquid hooch on top. I discarded a little more than 70% of each and added 60g each of strong flour and water. I'll make enough dough tonight for 3 loaves (2 for B&B guests and one for us).
Pavel A. Samsonov
in reply to Stephen Collins • • •Stephen Collins
in reply to Pavel A. Samsonov • • •@PavelASamsonov that one has been doing well for a couple of weeks now. I only bake bread 1-2 times a week, and the rest of the time it's in the fridge.
They came out this morning ready for making dough tonight for the morning and still had good consistency, with a tiny amount of liquid hooch on top. I discarded a little more than 70% of each and added 60g each of strong flour and water. I'll make enough dough tonight for 3 loaves (2 for B&B guests and one for us).