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I have an Asylum Demon from Dark Souls on my table. Basically it's just a big sloppy butt with a tail and wings, but I still wanna paint it well. I basecoated it dark brown and sorta bone white/desert brown. Where do I go from here?
#DarkSouls #MiniaturePainting
in reply to Erik

butt honestly, if you ass me, this thing would do well with a bit of violet in the recesses.
in reply to Tobias

I guess I would now do (oil) washes, dark brown and green, then dry brush, then details (weapon, horns).
in reply to dereisenhofer

@dereisenhofer I just went ahead with contrast paints and drybrushing and spilling stuff, and more drybrushing and so on. I have the base colours on there, now it's time for detailing and refinement.
in reply to Tobias

Turned out great, if I may say that. The colours really work imo. :)