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#California sues Exxon over plastics #recycling 'deception'

September 24, 2024

"California's attorney general is suing #ExxonMobil, alleging the oil giant engaged in a 'decades-long campaign of deception' about the effectiveness of #PlasticsRecycling.

"In the civil lawsuit filed on Monday, Attorney General Rob Bonta accused Exxon of contributing to a 'deluge' of plastic pollution, while telling Californians that recycling was a fix.

"'For decades, ExxonMobil has been deceiving the public to convince us that plastic recycling could solve the plastic waste and pollution crisis when they clearly knew this wasnโ€™t possible,' Bonta said."

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#ExxonKnew #Microplastics #Plastics #PlasticPollution #Greenwashing

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