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in reply to anonymiss

Actually, you're allowed to keep whatever you catch in your fishing net, right 🤔
in reply to anonymiss

in reply to anonymiss

On the contrary, there are not the subs which do not exist.
in reply to anonymiss

Things^1^ that do not exist do not exist.

One of the arguments^2^ for the existence of God is that atheists believe in the existence of a nonexistent God. Nonsense!
- God is the greatest thing.
- Existent things are greater than nonexistent things.
- Therefore, if God does not exist, then God is not the greatest thing, but the greatest thing, by definition, is God.
- Therefore God exists.

This is really just a proof that a nonexistent God doesn't exist. You can't make something exist by defining what it is.

wumpernut: (noun) a kind of nut.

There now. Do wumpernuts exist?

^1^ I use this vague word deliberately. I want its vagueness.
^2^ the so-called ontological proof

in reply to anonymiss

Since submarines are designed to be as invisible as possible, and their presence is generally (the world over) a military secret, it is entirely reasonable to presume that there are subs where we also believe that there are no subs. There may even be subs of types where we have no typology - but let's not go there!
in reply to anonymiss

Do wumpernuts exist? I see one now. Right here. Not much I can say about it though. Some sort of notion floating in my brain somehow...
in reply to anonymiss

"God" could in fact be a useful fiction - even as most people do not perceive this.
in reply to anonymiss

"in fact" there is the Bible - which can make for good reading.