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A new #CookPoliticalReport #SwingState Project Survey conducted by BSG & GS Strategy Group (Sept 19-25; 2,941 voters), shows VP #KamalaHarris leading or tied w/ #Trump in ALL but 1 of the 7 battleground states. Overall, she holds a lead of 49% to 48%.

#Harris has a lead w/in the margin of error in #Arizona +2, #Michigan +3, #Nevada +1, #Pennsylvania +1, & #Wisconsin +2. Trump is ahead 49% to 47% in #Georgia, & the candidates are tied at 49% in #NorthCarolina.


in reply to Nonilex

For the 1st time ever, a plurality of swing state voters now think that a #Democrat will win the presidential #election. This month, 46% of voters think #Harris will win, compared to 39% who think it will be #Trump. That is an 11-point swing in Harris’ favor since Aug, & suggests that Harris has been successful in presenting herself as a serious candidate.

#USpol #Authoritarianism #Republicans #Autocracy #Tyranny
#democracy #ProsecutorVFelon #WeAreNotGoingBack #Freedom #HarrisWalz2024