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in reply to Nonilex

Recommended thread. Nothing reveals the stupidity of classifying people like these SCOTUS decisions about Biden Administration enforcement of Title IX. These legal shenanigans would dissolve in the face of a real Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution. Come to think about it, it’s not just about abortion=healthcare either. It’s about justice. 


in reply to Alice Dubiel 🔬💉🦠😷🌬

@odaraia but that’s missing the argument.

It’s not about whether or not to enforce Title IX but a dispute over what Title IX says in the first place.

The courts (this was really about lower courts, not Supreme) seek to ENFORCE Title IX by blocking Biden from, as they see it, misinterpreting it.

Congress is free to revise Title IX, so make sure you elect effective representatives.

Meanwhile, the courts will respect that democratic process by insisting that Biden follow the law passed by Congress.
