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"Shipping in a big tech company is a very different skill to writing code, and lots of people who are great at writing code are terrible at shipping." I think not just big tech: many orgs are like this. #Technologyโ€ฆ
in reply to Ben Werdmuller

โ€œSoftware engineering isn't a technology business: it's a people business. You're building tools that solve real problems for real people, and you're doing it inside an organizational structure that is also made of real people.โ€

I need a bloody poster of that. Seriously.

in reply to Ben Werdmuller

"you need to deploy as much as you can as early as possible, and you need to do the scariest changes as early as you can possibly do them."

Mark Twain was a PM? "If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning."
